Grocery List December 8, 2020
Italian Live Cooking🍋🍅
Gildo & Jennifer
Tuesday December 8, 2020
Spaghetti alle alici e noci
Spaghetti with anchiovies and walnuts
Ingredients: 4 persons

Ca 400 gr Spaghetti
Sauce of anchiovies and walnuts
Ca 100 gr anchiovies
Ca 80 gr walnuts
50 gr pitted olives (with no pits – or pit them yourself)
10 stalks of parsley
1 spoon breadcrumbs (as coarse as possible)
Ca 4 spoons olive oil extra vergine
Ragout (for Tuesday Dec 15, 2020)
1 kg minced beef and pork
2 carots
1 onion
2 ribs of celery
1 bay leaf
250 ml redwine
Ca 1,5 kg peeled tomatoes
We are live Tuesdays between 5-6 pm
We cook Live on Instagram on Tuesdays between 5 – 6. The cooking session dues 20-60 min depending on the menu and you can always join!
Estimated preparation time
We expect the estimated prep time to 45-60 minutes
What can you do beforehand
Place all the ingrediens on your kitchen table so that you’re set for when we start
Divide them into small islands on the kitchen table, as we have divided into the shopping list above, so that the different things you need to cook stand together and are ready to use
It’s a good idea to
- Wash the parsley
- Wash/peel carots
- Peel the onion
- Wash the celery
- Open up the peeled tomatoes
Pots and pans
2 pots
1 pan
1 blender
Difficulty level
We have a difficulty level from 1 to 3 stars, 1 is the easiest to cook and 3 the hardest
The difficulty level for this ILC is: **